The idea of creating a composable business enterprise stems from a need for better resiliency to change. It also leads to better customer experiences and business agility.
Gartner lays out a framework for organizations to follow the four principles: modularity, autonomy, orchestration, and discovery. At its core, this means a decoupled, more agile organization so that business processes can pivot quickly, and technology applications can be composable.
In this blog post that I wrote on, I discuss how to make that vision of the composable business enterprise a reality using the Daml smart contract language. If you don’t already know about Daml, definitely look it up because it is the only language that can run on blockchains and databases alike, and promises 10X productivity.
I also addressed the two primary challenges for realizing this vision:
- Unifying business processes
- Avoiding data reconciliations across applications and businesses
Also, read up on this post about collaborating across organization boundaries – that’s the future arriving slowly but steadily.