Monetize Your Partnerships

Your partners are selling to your target client list everyday. Are you aligned with them?

Generating a consistent sales pipeline within 4 months is not hard, it just needs the right focus.


Are you experiencing these challenges with your partnerships?

Feast and famine - no systematic way to generate sales opportunities

Not being invited to conversations at your existing clients

Lack of an authority platform with your joint value propositions

Here's Likely What's Happening

Isolated Offers

The joint value propositions, if ready, are not in front of your partners & clients in a consistent way. Differentiation is hard to see.

Misaligned Growth Tactics

The channel tactics are misaligned with the actual sales journey. You are waiting for your partners to bring you deals. And so are they!

Imposter Syndrome

We are not ready. How can we compete with established partners? We don't have the budget.

Think about it - are you treating your overall business growth the same way?

Fixing These Results In...

Consistent lead generation

Meaningful joint client conversations with predictable sales cycles

Improved brand awareness and authority

My 4 Pillars For Partner Activation


Resources will always be limited. To avoid dilution, I help you prioritize the areas of maximum potential, align on both short and long term goals and KPIs, and then deliver quick results to set a positive momentum.


We can't just wish a field alliance with partners to happen. I help initiate regular cadence with the right enablement and value pitches (WIIFM) so we can generate and manage opportunities diligently.


Marketing of a partnership is about raising awareness of the partnership with clients, and also with partners themselves. I help craft messaging and interventions that generate the desired impact on the sales pipeline.

Value Offer

The value offer for a partnership serves as its foundation. It delivers the desired transformation to clients and incentivizes partners. I help craft the offer so we invest incrementally as needed. Without this, a partnership is unlikely to succeed.

The Time to Act is Now

The Cost of Inaction

Every month that goes by without optimized partnerships translates to lost opportunities and revenue.

The computation is easy: simply multiply the average size of deals with an achievable number of deals, and factor in customer life-time value.

Inaction directly leads to missed deals, weaker client relationships, and lower market influence.

The Partnership ROI Dilemma

Partnerships offer explosive growth and positive brand impact but come with unknown variables.

The dilemma: Should we "Invest on Returns", or think in terms of "Return on Investment".

The answer is: Both. You need to prime the pump for the flywheel to work, and then keep feeding the flywheel.

If you're feeling that uncertainty, you're not alone. It's very much a solvable problem.

Measure Your Partnerships Monetization Index

This is a quick self-diagnostic to see where your partnerships need work. Instant results.

Then let's set up a discovery call to see how to get unstuck. I will provide actionable ideas for your to execute.

Take The Online Partner Quiz

Start Monetizing Your Partnerships

Inertia Is not an answer.

Your partners are successfully selling to your clients every day – with or without you. You are not just losing deals, but significant future growth potential too.

Let me help you solve the chicken and egg situation with your investments and results.

We can build a steady pipeline in 4 months.

Book A Strategy Session

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